Monday, September 13, 2010

mosque in ground zero.

I think its a great idea to build a mosque in ground zero, cause we all want to celebrate the Muslim extremists who created the clever plan, in which part of that plan created the name ground zero in the first place! like seriously people I'm all for religious freedom. i mean that's your right and everything, but building it where they are planning is ridiculous and inappropriate. not to mention suspicious, but i wont go into the conspiracy aspect. Also there was a church that got destroyed during the attack on the twin towers. they have been asking to rebuild it for awhile, and keep getting denied. sooo if they cant then why the heck should Muslims get to build a mosque there. i don't care if you don't want to be racist or something like that, i don't like the thought of denying one of the most common religions in America for centuries but considering this mosque to be built.


  1. I agree with you. Buliding a mosque near ground zero is a bad idea.

  2. Bad idea there should not be a mosque at ground zero.

  3. The building of a mosque at ground zero is appaling. From a finicial standpoint, the buidling where the mosque is set to take place is very valuable property. Since it is relgious property, taxes would not be paid on it. Also, various magazines such as TIME have written articles that say Americans are islamphobic. Maybe we are, but are there moderate muslim groups trying to change our views? not that i can tell. Muslims attacked the Twin Towers and killed thousamds of CIVILANS! Over 56% of americans disagree with the building of this mosque. In a country that is supposedly democratic, the majority rules. NO MOSQUE!

  4. Yeah, not a good idea, mmmmk? And i dont think Jim's okay.

  5. This is a terrible idea.
    Several hundreds of years ago, whenever Muslims would take over a country or something they would build a mosque there to show they were in charge.
    Am I the only one seeing the parallel here?

  6. I think building the Mosque at ground zero is a horrible idea. It brings up so many opinions and anger due to what happened there, and who did it. There might be harm for the people who would go to the Mosque from people who are against it.

  7. This can't happen! Building a mosque at ground zero would be an insult to everyone's family who died in the 9/11 attacks.

  8. nobert i agree. If they build a mosque in ground zero it would be disrespectful all United States Citizens that arent muslim

  9. They dont have to build 1 by ground zero they can build it 7 or 8 blocks away form ground zero it disrespectful to all the familys in america who lost someone in the 911 attacks.

  10. REALLY are these people braindead you want to build a mosque on grounmd zero where only 9 years ago countless lives were lost> I mean they can build one if they want but no on ground zero. So if one does get built on ground zero can go over to Mecca and build Catholic church or a Snygoguae

  11. I think they should be able to build a mosque, just somewhere else. They have the freedom of religion and everything, but don't build it at ground zero. They should build the church back first and then the mosque somewhere else.

  12. Ground zero should be a place for remembrance of all of the lives that were lost there. I think its a ridiculous idea to build a mosque at ground zero. The Muslims should be able to have as many mosques in America as they want, but not in such a tragic place where many lives were lost.

  13. They shouldn't build it near ground zero, if they really wanted a mosque why does it have to be right there. Couldn't they simply move it further away so the people against it aren't so angry.

  14. The mosque is not even on ground zero and second in my opinion it shouldn't be built because it is just going to cause problems within the city.

  15. i think if they do built it, then it be so disrespectful to the Americans, especially the ones who fought in this war.

  16. Building a mosque at ground zero is a bad idea.
