Monday, September 13, 2010

American Sarah Shourd Could Be Released Today on Bail After 14 Months of Captivity in Iran, Moms Ask Bail Demand Be Dropped.Swiss diplomats negotiating with Iran on behalf of the United States for the release of an American woman accused of espionage have hit another block. this time they are asking for 500,000 dollars! It was mentioned that she would be released September 11 with no mention of bail.Officials in Iran's judiciary canceled those plans Friday, but reinstated them Sunday with the bail requirement, according to an Iranian prosecutor who spoke to Iran's IRNA news agency.


  1. Very intresting topic to talk about it gives enough information without it being to long to read.

  2. What they are asking in return for an american civillian is outragous and what if we took one of there civillians how would that turn out?

  3. This was an interestinmg article to read. Some more information about how the captivity and release is going woudld be interesting to hear.

  4. I like what Zach said. If we did capture one of their citizens it would be World War III!
